Public Involvement Plan

To provide a unified approach to public involvement and context sensitive solutions, a Context Sensitive Public Involvement Plan (CSPIP) has been prepared for the Allison Corridor from NM 118 to Kachina Road project (Project). The CSPIP combines the public involvement and context sensitive solutions plans mandated by NMDOT and Federal Highway Administration regulations. The goals of the CSPIP are: 

  • To establish the Project context and identify major community values; 
  • To identify the stakeholders, the methods to inform and involve them, and the approaches to resolve issues, concerns, and conflicts that may arise; and
  • To develop a decision-making process that is sensitive to the Project context, involves stakeholders in a meaningful way, and leads to the development of a preferred alternative that is consistent with the transportation, environmental, cultural, community, land use, and economic contexts of the Project area.

Live Virtual Public Meeting

August 11, 2021

The New Mexico Department of Transportation is hosting a Virtual Meeting to update the public and receive input on the planning, progress, and upcoming phases of the Allison Corridor from NM 118 to Kachina Road in the City of Gallup and McKinley County, New Mexico. The project is a multi-phase undertaking consisting of the reconstruction and extension of the Allison Road corridor from NM 118 to Kachina Road. The meeting will involve a short presentation with time available for questions and of project area

How to Participate:

When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021, 6:00 to 8:30 PM

How to Join: Register for the Zoom meeting with the following link, (it takes about 1 minute)

Telephone Option: 1-669-900-6833 and Meeting ID: 876 1774 3612

Meeting Format: During the meeting, a project presentation will be given and a question and answer session will follow. Project representatives will be available to address questions and discuss the proposed improvements.

Meeting Record: We will record the meeting, so you may view it later on the project website,

To request assistance in participating in the meeting without internet, contact John Taschek at 505-980-0993.

Public Meeting Recording

Comments can be submitted during the meeting and by mail or email:

Attn: Allison Corridor from NM 118 to Kachina Road
Ecosphere Environmental Services, Inc.
320 Osuna Road NE, Suite C-1
Albuquerque, NM 87107 or
[email protected]

Please submit your questions or comments no later than August 26, 2021.

How to Provide Input

To provide comments, please either submit comments on the project website form, by email, or by mail. The public comment period runs from August 11 to August 26. We value your input and would like to hear from you no later than August 26, 2021.

John Taschek
Office: 505-980-0993
Mailing Address
Attn: John Taschek (Allison Corridor from NM 118 to Maloney Avenue)
Ecosphere Environmental Services, Inc.
320 Osuna Road NE, Bldg. C, Ste. C-1
Albuquerque, NM 87107